Jodhpur tour (English)

Jodhpur is known by the name of Sunanagari in the world. Millions of thousands of tourists visit Jodhpur every year Jodhpur is the hot spot of every tourist from outside. The tourists going to Jaisalmer get out of Jodhpur.

There is a lot to see for the tourists in Jodhpur. Less than two or three days of work are necessary in Jodhpur. Jodhpur Fort in Jodhpur, Palace, Mandor Garden, the interior of the old city, Havelia, the surrounding villages and more.

Jodhpur is a very important tourist place for tourists. From five star hotels to Dhaba to stop Jodhpur to tourists. Jodhpur, if any class of tourist comes to Jodhpur, makes the tourists highly respected. Jodhpur is connected to four lane highways in four directions in the big cities.

Jodhpur in the east, Jaisalmer in the direction of west north, Nagaur and Bikaner in the northeast, Pali in the south and Barmer in the west.

These are the distance from the cities of Jodhpur.

Delhi: 600 kms.

Jaipur: 300 Km

Jaisalmer: 350 kilometers

Barmer: 300 kilometers

Nagaur: 120 km

Bikaner: 300 km

Poly: 80 kilometers

Aboured: 300 kilometers

Udaipur: 300 km

All these cities have connectivity with road connectivity as well as railways. There are international airports in Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur. Where foreign airways can also reach Jodhpur.

Railways are also connected to all major cities. There are daily trains for Railways, Delhi, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Udaipur, Bikaner, Nagaur, Barmer and Pali and Aburoad.

India Travel Advisor is working for local tour and travel. If you want to come to India for Bharatanam. Please contact.


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